What Does Burglary Domestic Violence Mean?

what is burglary domestic violence

Domestic violence refers to crimes committed by and towards those who share a household or intimate relationship. Those relationships are often current or former spouses, family individuals, or current or former sexual companions. In addition to criminal penalties, incidents of household violence can function as grounds for court-issued protective orders and firearm restrictions.

It is also not unusual for burglary charges to associate with domestic violence cases. Read on to see why this takes place and how you could protect your rights in opposition to such charges.

In the context of domestic violence means that if you enter your ex-partner’s residence without their consent and try to assault them, you can get charged with burglary under US law.

What is Burglary?

Burglary is unauthorized access into a building to devote a crime or try to commit a criminal offense. Burglary seemed like a crime against property. However, the instances of activities listed beneath burglary consist of human beings. As such, burglary is a criminal offense against someone or property.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines burglary as breaking and getting into a dwelling (area of the house) at night with the intent to commit a criminal offense. However, the definition of burglary is such that a person might not only be liable for burglary when caught breaking at night.

A burglary charge might also lie inside the following instances when a person illegally profits front into any structure, no longer just a place of residence. Examples of structures include stores, schools, houseboats, trailer homes, tents, and campsites. Even though committing burglary in a residential building draws more strict punishments than in business homes.

Other than this, burglary arises when someone gets inside illegally. It does not matter that a window or door was open, and the argument will not get the individual off the hook. So as long as the person entered without permission, a burglary charge may get imposed.

It also applies to shops and industrial buildings wherein the owner has prohibited someone from entry. If a person gets caught shoplifting in the store or building, they might be inclined to a burglary price, although it is no longer nighttime.

Elements of Burglary

Three elements underpin the offense of burglary. These factors of burglary are as follows:

Unauthorized Access

In this, the culprit entered the structure without the proprietor’s consent by using force or putting a body part in the structure.

Entry Into a Structure

As mentioned, the structure is not limited to only the places of residence. It consists of other buildings, which include stores, trailer homes, or even campsites.

Intent to Commit an Offense

In this, the trespasser should possess the intent to commit against the law within the structure.

When Does a Crime End Up Becoming a Domestic Violence Offense?

A violent crime is a domestic violence offense committed by one family member against another—for example, spouses, ex-spouses, individuals in dating relationships, kids, dads, and moms. 

In these situations, prosecutors will decide whether or not the offense constitutes domestic violence. In short, burglary charges can become domestic violence if charged with getting into or refusing to leave a house or business, using a lethal weapon, or committing a crime against a family member. 

Similarly to potential imprisonment and fines, you could also be subject to a no-contact order that prevents you from returning to your home or seeing your kids. A domestic violence conviction also means you will have a permanent criminal record, which could adversely impact your parental rights and restrict your employment or housing possibilities.

What is Domestic Violence Burglary?

A burglary is an unasked-for event of intrusion with any cause that might translate into a try to rob or dedicate a criminal offense. It is feasible that the criminal might not commit a crime but is taken as a criminal and burglar. So, the act of burglary is associated with using force. If, during the act, the criminal comes across relatives or any member of relatives, the act falls right away beneath the category of domestic violence.

The act itself comes subsequent, and the fact of possessing any deadly weapon or dangerous device is considered an attempt to harm people. It interprets that the criminal did not get a chance to attack or dedicate domestic violence. Moreover, there are several instances where it feels threatened; the offender acts hastily to avoid capture and charges and is likely to attempt the attack if provoked.

All of it starts with an attempt to breach the security of a personal residence, compound, or property. This access is viable mainly because of a breach of safety features and, at different times, sneaky access directly by honest people or their aids.

Elements of Burglary Domestic Violence

A defendant commits burglary (domestic violence) when they enter or remain unlawfully in a living or any portion of the dwelling to commit:

  • A felony
  • Theft
  • An attack on any person
  • Lewdness
  • Sexual battery
  • Lewdness related to a child
  • Voyeurism

How Do Domestic Violence Protective Orders Result in Burglary Fees?

A protective order is an order that covers a sufferer of domestic violence from someone violent or intimidated to be violent. Amongst other things, the court may forbid the individual under the protective order to contact the victim or move close to them, their children, circle of family, pets, their home, or their youngsters’ schools.

After passing a protective order, the accused individual can be drawn to go into the victim’s habitation to gather a few belongings or to attempt to patch things up. It might be a massive mistake. You can get charged with trespassing or burglary for violating a protective order’s instructions not to head close to the sufferer or their home. It is applicable even if you own the house or have signed the rent.

A person commits burglary in the US after they input a habitation or building without the consent of the proprietor with the intent to commit a felony, robbery, or attack. 

Penalties for Burglary Domestic Violence

The penalties for burglary are extreme; which are stated as follows:

  • Breaking right into the building is a state jail felony. A conviction could get you 180 days to 2 years in jail.
  • Breaking right into a building with the reason to steal a managed substance, using a lethal weapon, or having a prior conviction could result in third-degree felony charges. A conviction could get you 2-10 years in prison and fines of $10,000.
  • Breaking into a habitation with the reason to commit theft is a second-degree felony which results in 2 – 20 years in jail and fines of $10,000.

You may not intend any damage by getting into the victim’s home, but there is a risk the law would not see it that way. You can find yourself dealing with First Degree Felony charges if law enforcement believes you entered the victim’s habitation intending to commit a crime apart from robbery.

A conviction for first-degree felony burglary has extreme effects. First, there is prison time – between 5 and 99 years in state prison, and then there are the fines, which could vary up to $10,000.


Anybody convicted of a domestic violence crime will face the encouraged sentence for the offense and be subject to a no-contact order. It will prevent the offender from contacting or getting close to the victim or their family. The violation of this defensive or restraining order ends in burglary charges.

In a domestic violence burglary situation, the offender gets charged with getting into or refusing to go away from a house, business, car, or another dwelling. In first-degree offenses, they might get accused of committing an act of violence or carrying a deadly weapon along with a knife or firearm.

In case you get charged with burglary and domestic violence, a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney explains the consequences of your charges and the penalties you might face if you are convicted.


Can an accuse of a burglary offense own ammunition?

The defendant convicted of burglary (domestic violence) may not possess, use, or have control of a firearm or ammunition for life.

Does the defendant get bail for burglary and domestic violence?

Due to the unique and emotional nature of domestic violence crimes, the high recidivism rate of violent offenders, and the expanded chance of violence, bail may get denied if there is proof to help the rate.

What factors modify the severity of burglary domestic violence crime?

The factors could be grade, degree, dwelling, time of day, damage performed, and weapons possessed and used.

When is a person responsible for burglary within the first degree?

When the person is armed with a lethal weapon or assaults any individual