Domestic violence refers to crimes committed by and towards those who share a household or intimate relationship. Those relationships are often current or former spouses, family individuals, or current or former sexual companions. In addition to criminal penalties, incidents of household violence can function as grounds for court-issued protective orders and firearm restrictions. It is …
Typically, the preliminary hearing occurs shortly after formally filing charges against the defendant. For instance, federal law mandates that a preliminary hearing should be held between 14 and 21 days following the defendant’s initial appearance. (18 U.S.C. 3060; Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 5.1.) Many states have comparable time limits. In actuality, defendants can and …
When an individual gets charged with a certain kind of assault, he may not understand it. Have you been charged with simple assault or aggravated assault and don’t know the difference between them? The most significant difference between simple assaults and aggravated assaults is that the former is a misdemeanor while the latter is a …
If you are a credit card holder, there might be a threat you may end up being a victim of credit card fraud sooner or later. A few studies even show that you are more likely to experience scams than to avoid them. Credit card fraud has different forms: physical cards stolen and used before …
From parking in a red zone to let the meter run out, many simple mistakes may cause a parking ticket. If you, unfortunately, get a parking ticket, you might be thinking do parking tickets affect insurance rates? You can easily breathe because, in most cases, the answer is no. A parking ticket is a non-moving …
The debate over the right place for guns in American society has grown more heated, polarized, and controversial. These discussions raise concerns about public policy, individual rights, law and order, and personal and communal safety. Gun laws and rights are complicated legal areas that frequently touch on deeply held opinions for people on all sides …
Crime is a social problem faced by every modern society. A crime is defined as any action omitted or committed that the law forbids. For example, selling or buying drugs is prohibited by American law, and doing such an offensive act will bring a criminal charge levied upon you. A criminal charge is any formal …
Your house should be your sanctuary, where you feel safe and secure. Inadequate landlords and neglected maintenance might lead to dangerous living conditions. If your landlord repeatedly promises to make repairs but never gets around to it, you may question if you may sue him, and if yes, then how to sue the landlord for …
Making a false statement in a case that falls under the jurisdiction of a federal department or agency is a crime in the federal system. Often people get confused about what does Perjury means in actuality. Federal law also prohibits Perjury—a crime under federal law when someone “knowingly” attests to or subscribes to claims they …
Various legal terms could seem imaginary or esoteric but have some actual results for everyone. Regarding criminal charges and trials, exculpatory evidence may sound like impenetrable legalization, but it differentiates between a guilty verdict and an acquittal. Exculpatory evidence is contrary to inculpatory evidence, which tries to prove guilt. This evidence exculpates the guilt of …