Preksha Goyal

A law aspirant and a final year student at Lloyd Law College. I always had an inclination towards corporate and commercial laws because of their impressive and organized work structure with everyday challenges. I am a dedicated person who is able to express honest opinions and keep patience in stressful situations.

What Happens When the USPS Discovers Drugs?

what happens when usps finds drugs

Since fifty years ago, mail delivery by the United States Postal Service (USPS) has been a typical method of cross-country shipment. People frequently use this service when mailing products to friends, family members, or gifts for a special occasion. But what if you utilize the USPS to transmit mail containing prohibited substances? Even though several …

What is meant by Motion to Suppress Evidence?

motion to suppress evidence

A motion to suppress focuses on keeping certain types of evidence out of court. It is an appeal made by a criminal defendant to the court before a criminal trial, asking the court to exclude particular evidence from the trial. Motions to suppress evidence must follow Rule 41(h) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure …

What Does 25 to life Mean?

what does 25 to life mean

In legal terminology, a prisoner condemned to life imprisonment but entitled to parole after spending 25 years is said to be serving a “25 to life” sentence. It provides a means of establishing a certain minimum sentence without eliminating the possibility of parole release. Although the sentence may formally call for 25 years of incarceration …

Teepeeing a house is illegal?

teepeeing a house

Since the creation of toilet paper in 1857, TPing has been a traditional American prank. Throwing toilet paper rolls over a high object, such as a tree, a shed, or a home, is known as Teepeeing (TPing). The goal is to leave a large amount of toilet paper for the victim to clean up. TPing …

A Brief on Sodomy 1st degree

what is sodomy 1st degree

In the United States, Sodomy laws, which banned a range of sexual behaviors, were acquired from colonial legislation in the 17th century. In contrast, many regulations targeted sexual actions between people of the same sex. Many used definitions that were wide enough to include sexual acts between people of different genders and, in some circumstances, …

No Contest Vs Guilty Plea

no contest vs guilty

The American legal system has three forms of pleas: guilty, not guilty, and no contest. While the distinction between guilty and not guilty is obvious, what is the difference between a guilty plea and a no-contest plea? To the naked eye, guilty pleas and no contest pleas can be the same. They are treated the …

Can a Felon Visit the Gun Range?

can a felon go to a gun range

A person charged with a felony would want to go to his local range to have fun with his friends, and his felony conviction will frequently preclude him from doing this. He must remember that owners of gun ranges are entitled to check a customer’s criminal history before permitting them to enter.  A person charged …